Commandos Serial Code

The Software Servo Library can drive servos on all of your pins simultaneously. The API is patterned after the servo library but the code is different. You are not limited to 8 servos, but you must call the SoftwareServo::refresh method at least once every 50ms or so to keep your servos updating.

Note that as of Arduino 0017, the Arduino Servo library supports up to 12 motors on most Arduino boards and 48 on the Arduino Mega. The Arduino library does not need to have explicit calls to refresh so is easer to use than the software servo code that follows. If you have an Arduino version earlier than 0017 you can download the new hardware servo code from here.


Standard Methods

attach int Turn a pin into a servo driver. Calls pinMode. Returns 0 on failure.

detach Release a pin from servo driving.

write int Set the angle of the servo in degrees, 0 to 180.

read return that value set with the last write.

attached return 1 if the servo is currently attached.

Extra Methods

refresh You must call this at least once every 50ms to keep the servos updated. You can call it as often as you like, it won t fire more than once every 20ms. When it does fire, it will take from. 5 to 2.5 milliseconds to complete, but won t disable interrupts.

setMinimumPulse uint16_t set the duration of the 0 degree pulse in microseconds. default minimum value is 544 microseconds

setMaximumPulse uint16_t set the duration of the 180 degree pulse in microseconds. default maximum pluse value is 2400 microsconds

Safety Quirk

Even though you attach a servo, it won t receive any control signals until you send its first position with the write method to keep it from jumping to some odd arbitrary value.


The library takes about 850 bytes of flash and 6 8 servos bytes of SRAM.


This library does not stop your interrupts, so millis will still work and you won t lose incoming serial data, but a pulse end can be extended by the maximum length of your interrupt handles which can cause a small glitch in the servo position.

If you have a large number of servos there will be a slight 1-3 degrees position distortion in the ones with the lowest angular values.

An Example

The following code lets you control Servo on pin2 by potentiometer on analog 0


SoftwareServo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo

int potpin 0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer

int val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin

void setup

myservo.attach 2 ; // attaches the servo on pin 2 to the servo object

void loop

val analogRead potpin ; // reads the value of the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023

val map val, 0, 1023, 0, 179 ; // scale it to use it with the servo value between 0 and 180

myservo.write val ; // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

delay 15 ; // waits for the servo to get there

SoftwareServo::refresh ;

An other Example

The following code is a ping/pong rotations on A0 pin with speed variable

define pinServo A0

int speed 1;

int limits 2 30,150 ; // set limitations min/max: 0- 180

boolean refresh false; // toggle refresh on/off

Serial.begin 9600 ;

// attaches the servo on pin to the servo object

myservo.attach pinServo ;

// init angle of servo inbetween two limitations

myservo.write limits 1 -limits 0 /2 ;

// refresh angle

int angle ;

// change direction when limits

if angle limits 1 angle limits 0 speed -speed;

myservo.write angle speed ;

// set refresh one time / 2

refresh refresh. false : true;

if refresh SoftwareServo::refresh ;

Serial.print Angle: ;

Serial.println angle ;.

Idm Code

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The Software Servo Library. The Software Servo Library can drive servos on all of your pins simultaneously. The API is patterned after the servo library.

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Idm Code

The Software Servo Library

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